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Submit An Event

Your information

Some personal details are required so that we can contact you about the event if necessary. This information is kept confidential.

Please enter any additional context, information or instructions you wish to provide regarding the event.

Event information

Details about the event. This information will be displayed publicly in the events section of the Te Waka website.

A full description of the event for when it is viewed in detail. Provide as much information as necessary.

A brief description of the event for when it is viewed in a list of events. Keep this concise (150 characters or so) while doing your best to capture the interest of a prospective attendee.


Please use the following format: dd/mm/yyyy --:-- --

Please use the following format: dd/mm/yyyy --:-- --




An image that will be shown with the event. Please upload only jpg, jpeg, png, gif or bmp image files of less than 5MB.