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Minister launches tribal employment initiative

Minister launches tribal employment initiative

Waikato Tainui is welcoming a new employment initiative with the Ministry of Social Development that will aim to transition 100 tribal members off the benefit and into sustainable employment.

Employment Minister Willie Jackson is launching the initiative in Hamilton today and Te Arataura Chair Rukumoana Schaafhausen said it was a step in the right direction.

“We have to partner and collaborate with central government agencies like MSD to lift the employment profile of our people.”

“Earlier this year we launched the Waikato Regional Maori Economic Action Plan and it’s important that agencies take an innovative approach to addressing medium and long-term unemployment,” she said. 

As part of this programme Waikato Tainui will work with over 35 of its industry partners that actively support tribal members into employment opportunities.  These industries cover a range of sectors from labour, manufacturing, engineering, administration and management roles.

The Waikato Tainui Career Pathways Team will create cadetship and apprenticeship opportunities that align to key industry priority areas.  After securing employment Waikato Tainui will continue to support and mentor those members through their first year of employment.

Rukumoana said this approach aligned with their long-term vision, Whakatupuranga 2050 and it showed they were “absolutely serious about lifting our people into sustainable futures”.

“Our people have high expectations and it’s important that we are able to respond by providing solid opportunities when they present themselves,” Rukumoana said.

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