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30 years trucking: Regal Group celebrates business milestone

30 years trucking Regal Group celebrates business milestone

Regal Group, one of Waikato’s leading bulk transport and logistical solutions provider, is celebrating a business milestone of 30 years in operation this August.

The Group, formed by Rob McHardie on the 8th of August 1988, has grown into one of the most innovative haulage companies in New Zealand, and is today headed up by Rob’s sons, Scott and Brett McHardie.

With more than 90 Volvo trucks in its fleet and over 100 clients nationwide, Regal Group provides haulage solutions for some of New Zealand’s leading agricultural, wood product, and waste management companies, including Balance, Ravensdown, Glencore Grains, Waste Management and Carter Holt Harvey.

Scott McHardie, Regal Group’s joint managing director, recalls washing trucks as a boy in his father’s yard, and said although the industry Regal operated in today was very different from when his father first started out, the company’s values remained the same.

“I believe part of our success is the family foundation here at Regal. The combination of our trucks, the innovation that comes out of our engineering workshop, the technology in the vehicles and the company values we operate by means we can deliver logistical solutions that clients want – and the many long-standing partnerships we have with our clients are testament to that,” he said.

Brett McHardie, Regal Group’s joint managing director, said there had been significant changes in Regal’s industry, most notably relating to driver health and safety and compliance. The company’s longevity was a reflection of the team’s commitment to continually improving its operations, he said.

“Innovation is a core component of what we do and we use it to benefit our clients and our staff. For example, when we need to address changes around compliance we do so with the safety of our people in mind as well as considering the impact our services have on the environment. Regal has come a long way in the last 30 years but we’re still growing and changing. Our focus is going to be on staying a leader in our field.”

Regal Group acknowledged its 30 years in business with a weekend of celebrations, including a Community Open Day on Saturday 11 August, from 10am – 3pm. Fiona Pace, organiser of the event, said the purpose was to celebrate Regal’s success but also to make further connections with the community the company operates in.

“The gold Regal trucks are recognisable throughout New Zealand, but particularly here in the Waikato with the location of our yard in Tamahere. Our company’s success is as much a reflection on our business growth as it is on the support from our local community. We wanted to give our neighbours the opportunity to step behind the Regal gate and have a fun day out, so we designed it for kids, families and trucking enthusiasts – both young and old,” she said.

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