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Inspiring, exciting and humbling

Inspiring, exciting and humbling

Momentum Waikato’s annual showcase held earlier this month was an opportunity to celebrate and reflect on a year of tangible progress by Momentum’s Vital Impact partners and on the Waikato Regional Theatre project.

Held on November 7 at The Atrium, 120 guests enjoyed an hour of engaging updates and insights, kicked off by speeches by Momentum Waikato chair Leonard Gardner and chief executive Kelvyn Eglinton. 

New videos on Momentum’s Vital Impact partners – currently being published one-at-a-time on their Vimeo channel and social media pages – opened their respective presentations. 

Pūniu River Care has exponentially increased its production of trees; Ka Pai Kai South Waikato is making a difference to the lives of hundreds of kids; and Zeal Hamilton is connecting with lost youth across the city and showing them paths to becoming happy and productive members of society.    

The report from international theatre architects CharcoalBlue was a highlight of the evening, as project lead Eric Lawrence took the audience on a big screen fly-through of a 3D digital model of the future Waikato Regional Theatre. For the really keen, there was also a virtual reality kit, where they could visually immerse themselves in the planned theatre’s spaces.  

The evening also saw the launch of the foundation’s 2018 annual report and new website which has made it easier for people to donate towards making a better Waikato for everyone.  

Check out the highlights video here and the photo album here.

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