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Match made in Hamilton

Match made in Hamilton

Back the mid-1990s, three young blokes started in the hospitality business in Hamilton’s south-end, and made an immediate impact in a market hungry for decent coffee, food, wine, and service.

Glen Crompton and Glen Woodcock were at Rocket Coffee’s café and coffee roaster on the corner of Hood St, and Jason Macklow set up the big, bold Iguana Street Bar & Restaurant a bit further north, on Victoria St.

Jason’s business was almost close enough to smell the fragrant aromas on roasting days at Rocket. He met the Rocket boys, and their coffee became his brand of choice at Iguana, and at subsequent bars and restaurants in his stable.

The two Glens steadily grew their Rocket label, building a clientele throughout the central North Island, and in Auckland. Jason, in more recent times, turned his attention to craft beers as a director of Good George Brewing in Frankton, another brand that is known and loved far beyond the Waikato.

Says Jason: “Once you get into the groove of Hamilton, it works for you. “

Twenty years on, the two Glens and Jason are still pleasing the crowds; still enjoying each other’s fine products. Now they’ve pooled their expertise, collaborating to produce Coffee IPA, a unique, heady beer, proudly brewed and roasted in Hamilton.

It is a lovely golden drop, a perfect flavour and aroma match between Rocket’s Biftu Gudina beans from Western Ethiopia, and Good George’s American hops. It’s being sold at Good George’s 400 outlets throughout New Zealand and has been well reviewed by critic. Jason says it’s going great.

Coffee IPA’s cheeky label reflects the obsession and passion that both camps bring to their work. It says: “there’s nothing like making friends with another crazy to make you both feel normal”.

Such jesting aside, the “crazies” really like the sense of community in Hamilton, where it’s easy to build relationships and get like-minded people together. They stay true to their roots: Jason says Good George has developed a “Fortress Waikato” business strategy aimed at supporting local suppliers. “When you’re establishing a business, you naturally look to your locals to build your base.”

Glen Crompton reckons Rocket and Good George produce international quality coffee and beer. “It’s as good as you can get. This is a great place to live, and to do business.” or

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