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New Opportunities With Historic Agreement

New Opportunities With Historic Agreement

Waikato-Tainui has signed a historic agreement with 11 of the country’s top Industry Training Organisations at the Waikato Endowed College in Hopuhopu.

The agreements are a significant step for Waikato Tainui as the tribe looks to increase the career opportunities of its people.

Waikato Tainui CEO Donna Flavell says the agreements are designed to give our people options so that they are able to arm themselves with the skills that they require, to stand proudly as our future parents and leaders.

“We are absolutely committed to these relationships and we will take an active role in maintaining them in a way that is beneficial to Waikato Tainui,” said Donna.

“We cannot sit around waiting for the government we have to invest in our people’s collective futures and this is a proactive way to make that happen.”

“Given the large number of ITO's we have here today it also goes without saying that we will be able to gather data that is relevant and up-to-date which is critical because it allows us to adapt and refine our approach to the careers market.”

Donna remains adamant, “For our people this is also about earning while they are actively engaged in learning through mechanisms like apprenticeships".

The ITO's set national skill standards, lead qualifications development, and play a central role in industry-related vocational education and training. They arrange workplace training within their industries and work with tertiary education providers to develop and deliver the skills that benefit trainees, employers and the New Zealand economy.

“I am excited by the possibilities ahead and this is untested ground for these ITO's, but they have taken a bold step and the signals that they have sent to the market today will have far reaching and positive consequences for our people and our region,” said Donna Flavell. 

The 11 ITO's are Careerforce, Competenz, Connexis, HITO, MITO, NZ Marine and Composites, Primary ITO, Service IQ, Skills Active, BCITO, and Skills. 

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