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Waikato music: Anna Saxton

Waikato music Anna Saxton

May is New Zealand Music Month, which aims to celebrate Kiwi music and the people who make it. The Waikato has some incredibly talented musicians, so we are showcasing some of them this month, whether they are currently based in the region or they grew up in the mighty Waikato.

Waikato singer songwriter Anna Saxton, professionally known as Saxi, is one of 15 participants chosen from 10 countries around the world for an all-expenses paid mentorship programme with ISINA in America.

Currently in post-production, the programme is being turned in a reality television show.

Anna submitted her original music to the online competition where show mentors including Randy Jackson, Babyface and Kenny G, selected the top talent among the 35,000 entries to take part in the show.

She flew to America where the participants filmed the reality show for seven weeks in a Beverley Hills mansion during October and November last year.

“When I received the news that I had been selected it was unreal. Even when I arrived there I was like oh my goodness, this cannot be real,” Anna said.

She admits she was nervous boarding the plane as it was not only a surreal experience where she didn’t know what to expect, but it was also her first time travelling solo.

The show participants were picked up from the airport, and as soon as Anna got into the car there were cameras, so she had to get used to being filmed from the get-go. 

“Coming from New Zealand, I had just been on a 23-hour flight so I was in my comfy track pants, no makeup, my hair wasn’t done, I probably looked a mess and as we were going up the mansion driveway the full film crew were there waiting so there was no chance to get my bag out of the car or do anything – it was just straight into filming.”

The programme included artist development where they had one-on-one mentor coaching, before they performed together as a group in front of the mentors on the big opening night.

“It was so exciting working with the mentors. My favourites were Randy Jackson and Kenny G. They were so lovely and down to earth, really helpful and inspiring,” Anna said.

Participants also worked with music producers on their individual song writing and producing, where they created as many original songs as they could.

Tim Davis, who has previously worked on television show Glee, put a showcase together for the ISINA participants at Belasco Theatre in Los Angeles, where they performed their original songs they’d been working on to an audience of more than 1500 people.

Anna says it was strange getting used to the cameras being there at first, as she says they film everything, even when she was eating her breakfast.

“For those seven weeks I was put out of my comfort-zone, so it definitely made me grow as a person,” Anna said.

Her highlight of the show were the people she met, as she says the contacts are so valuable because you never know where it could lead. In fact, she is returning to the States in July to work with some of the contacts she made from the show.

Born and raised in Cambridge, Anna’s musical influences growing up were singers with powerhouse vocals.

“From a really young age I remember listening to a lot of Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, and Kelly Clarkson,” Anna said.

“I would mimic a lot of the things that they could do with their voice and I remember thinking I don’t know if this is normal or not, but I can do it. I would sing along, and I just loved it.”

At 15 years old, Anna began writing her own songs, and her first song she wrote blew her family away. So much so that Anna’s brother paid for studio time for her as a surprise.

“That gave me a real big kick and I realised I really want to do this,” Anna said.

Next on the horizon for Anna is new music coming out soon, and she will be filming a music video with film producer Shae Stirling over the next few weeks for a new single.

“I co-wrote the song with one of my friends in LA, and I’m really excited to see what it’s going to do. I’ve got some support from NZ On Air to help push the song to TV and radio as well, which is really cool.”

To hear Anna’s music and stay up to date with her ventures visit her Facebook page and Instagram.

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