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The Waipa Networks Business Awards, announce final call for entries to the 2018 Awards

The Waipa Networks Business Awards, announce final call for entries to the 2018 Awards

The 2018 Waipa Networks Business Awards make their final call for entries as they prepare to shut all  entries/nominations on Friday 29th June.

Entries have been open since the Launch event at Mystery Creek Events Centre on the 5th April, allowing entrants a little extra time to previous years, but time is now running out.

There has been a fantastic response from local businesses, and a high level of engagement but now the pressure is on for local businesses to finish their entries and press submit.

Kerry Sabberton Jigsaw Professional Development who stood as this year’s Awards Ambassador said ​finding the time and effort to make that final push to get your submission completed was totally worth the effort from a business planning perspective.

"It made us really consider our journey to date and question some of our processes and focus - regardless of the outcome of the awards we found that we finally took time after three years to take a good, hard look at what we were doing and realised what we had built. As a result of this process we have made some really positive changes to our business."

Previous winner Bronwyn Lowe of The Herbal Dispensary encourages prospect entrants stating.

"Entering the Waipa Networks Business awards made us stop, take a pause and really focus on the business, instead of just working in it. The visit with the judges and their feedback was outstanding.

"They gave us ideas & strategies that we implemented into our business, some straightaway and others we still refer back to.

"We attended the awards nights with all our staff, which was an excellent evening and was great for our team to see the results of their combined efforts especially as we won awards two years running. The media exposure after the event was also very beneficial and helped to raise our profile particularly around the neighbouring Waipa district."

The Chambers are keen to encourage all those that have started their entries to finish them, Kris Anderson, CE Te Awamutu Chamber of Commerce, said now was the time for Te Awamutu business’s to put their hands up & celebrate our past, current and future successes through their involvement with the 2018 Wapa Networks Business Awards.

"With our region acknowledged nationwide for its passion, ingenuity and community focus let's all help to illustrate these unique traits once more through either direct entry, encouraging others to stand tall or with the nomination of businesses or people who are making a difference to our communities."

The Awards celebrate all entrants in style, at the Gala event on Friday 31st August at Mystery Creek Events Centre.

The event is set to be a great night and includes: canapes, Te Radar entertaining as MC, three-course Montana catered meal, live music by Coupe de Ville, goodie bags and spot prizes. So, whether you are an entrant or not the event is well worth checking out.

Tickets are available now via the website – ​​ and there are still some Early Bird tickets available so get in quick to secure your seat at what is set to be a great night out!

While you're here, don't forget to search through the Waikato Story's Toolkit to see if there is anything you can use for your business!

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